Name: Team Discovery
Profile: 1.) A team on a quest to discover the hidden gems of Etsy through: one-on-one interviews to be featured on our team blog, curating treasuries featuring undiscovered stores (less than 20 sales), creating promotion threads in the forums and promoting through social networking while simultaneously offering the same support to our own team members.
2.) Our goal is to have potential buyers and people of the non-Etsy community come to our blog to discover what Etsy is all about and why one should shop there. We will strive to emphasize the value and beauty of handmade products and showcase the uniqueness of the shops throughout Etsy.
3.) All of our members are part of the Etsy community. We are a team of newer and more established stores working together with one common purpose: to help other undiscovered stores and each other.
4.) We endeavor to provide support, motivation, and inspiration to new and undiscovered stores, with interested parties having access to critiques, tutorials featuring helpful techniques such as photography tips, success stories, unsuccessful stories, craft fair ‘how-to’ articles, and so on..and just their 'everyday questions' being answered.
We would like to work towards stores being the best that they can be as we firmly believe that when we all work together, help each other, and support and be supported, we all win!
5.) In order to ensure each team member is adding something to the team, they must either:
-create 3 treasuries a month
-make one blog contribution a month
If you would like to join and you feel you can bring something unique to the team, we would love to hear from you.
Team Leaders: Kathleen Cavalaro & Waterwaif
Blog Leader: BISI Designs
Request to Join: Please visit our team page on Etsy.
Meetings and Events: For now, we meet whenever possible in the forums and on our Facebook page. Future, more official meeting dates TBD.