Please read carefully if you'd like your treasury considered as a finalist.
#1: Your treasury must include this baby Christmas dress from lovinghandscrochet and this holiday deer watercolor from CynthiaCranesArt within the first 3 rows.
#2: Your treasury must contain at least 4 new or undiscovered shops with less than 50 sales.
#3: Your treasury must contain at least 4 Team Discovery members.
#4: Tag your treasury "teamdiscovery" and "TDchallenge" (both all one word, without the quotes). This is very important since this is the only way your treasury will be seen by the people picking the finalists.
#5: Post the URL link to this blog in your treasury - this is how the word gets out. If you're not sure of what to say, use this:
This is a Team Discovery treasury challenge made up of at least four undiscovered shops with less than 50 sales. Anyone can join in the challenge! Learn more by visiting the blog at http://etsyteamdiscovery.blogspot.com
#6: Follow this blog and leave a link with your treasury in the comments (optional)
You can create as many treasuries as you like and enter as many times as you like. This challenge will end Thursday at 8pm Eastern, and voting begins Friday. The winner of this challenge will be able to have one of THEIR OWN items featured for next week's challenge!
Need help finding undiscovered shops? The Etsy Pounce function is good for discovering brand new shops, or check out undiscovered shops featured in other Team Discovery treasuries.